International Women's Day at Gökçelik, March 8th

1 min reading time

Giving Women Importance: Gökçelik, through its implementation of Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), and by supporting gender equality, has not forgotten International Women's Day on March 8th.

Supporting the employment of women in activities conducted in the field of warehouse and shelving systems, the formation of Women's Empowerment Principles constitute:

  1. The Provision of Top-Level Institutional Leadership for Gender Equality
  2. The Fair Treatment of All Women and Men at Work, Respecting Human Rights and Non-Discrimination, and Supporting These Principles
  3. The Provision of Health, Safety and Welfare to All Men and Women
  4. The Support of Women through Educational Courses and Professional Development Opportunities
  5. The Empowerment of Women by Implementing Entrepreneurial Development, Supply Chain and Marketing Methods
  6. The Promotion of Equality through Initiatives and Support in the Community
  7. The Measurement and Publishing of Progress for Gender Equality

While accepting the 7 principles as company policy, gifts were presented to women on March 8th International Women's Day. The gifts were given by Gökçelik Ltd’s CEO and Chairman of the Board, Yalçın Aras, who made a speech on the importance of women.