Gökçelik, As A Un Global Compact Member, Targets Sustainability

1 min reading time

Opening to the world from Bursa, Gökçelik - the depot and shelving systems manufacturer - targets sustainability by renewing its vision as a member of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact: the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

Gökçelik, which exports depot and shelving systems to more than 70 countries, has joined the institutions that have adopted the vision to grow, activate and develop sustainability studies; and to contribute to the realisation of the transformation in corporate social life that Sustainability calls for.

Focusing on sustainability in the new investment and transformation projects it has implemented in depot and shelving systems, Gökçelik has pledged compliance with international principles within the United Nations Global Compact Network through accords covering: human rights, employment standards, the environment, and anti-corruption.

The UN Global Compact that Gökçelik has joined - with over 70 local networks, more than 9,500 cross-sector companies, plus 3,000 non-business signatories in 160+ countries - is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. 17 sustainable development goals come under the Global Compact.

In addition to the UN Global Compact, in 2018 Turkey signed the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), and adopted its 7 principles: to increase equality of opportunity in the business world; to provide high-level corporate leadership for gender equality, treating all women and men fairly at work, and respecting human rights and non-discrimination; to provide for the health, safety and well-being of all female and male employees; to support women's education, training and professional development opportunities; to implement women's empowerment in entrepreneurial development, supply chain and marketing methods; to promote equality through social initiatives and gender advocacy; and to include the evaluation and public reporting of achievements related to gender equality.